

3)Kenya's third president populary elected in 2002. He sees no evil, hears no evil. Under his 3 year reign, an estimated 700 million dollars has been stolen by a few in his ruling clique. He cracked the whip when it was exposed by Kenyan Newspapers. We are waiting to see whether he will reclaim Kenyans credibilty and hope in his leadership
Our leaders have done it done it again. They have effectively cheated ,wheedled and cajoled their way into untold millions of pounds by raping our resources in cahoorts with faceless foreign companies . However while prosecution is ongoing on the biggest scandals(Anglo-leasing & Goldenberg), i would caution against the process of purifying or giving any iota of credibility to yesterdays looters who are in opposition now and making the loudest noises .They are akin to the hyena who scavenges when the predator leaves .The Moi era was mired in corruption and waste. The image of KANU to me is one of the ruthless, Compunctionless savannah cockerel that Kenyans knew as their daily reality for over two decades. KANU must be cackling hoarsely at how gullible Kenyans are if we so readily equate the present thievery with the more widespread corruption and human rights violations under the MOI regime
My two cents for today
While your Blog is excellent and more organised than most forums out there, keep it fair. There must be a modicum of real journalism if it is to flourish to it's full potential. When you make unfounded accusations eg. US$ 700mln has been "eaten" by the Kibaki regime, may I ask where you get this figure?.
Kenyan's are baying for blood on unfounded rumours and even those that have been proven eg. Anglo Leasing..people are being held accountable. Those whom hitherto, were thought to be politically inexpeditable are being dealt with. Are they not being processed by the judicial system? In 3 years the judiciary works, the very same that was for sale for years . I think alot of Kenyans are being very hypocritical in only going on inuendo and not looking at the real progress that is being made on the economy, education,judiciary and democracy. Yes! democracy!There is no country in the world where people are as poilitically free to express there opinions like Kenya right now, not even in the US. Let us not forget what Kenya had been dwindled down to by Moi...a banana republic: lawless, corrupt, inept and a country run by criminals who were heroes to the mwananchi. We named our KSHS.500 note Jirongo and KShs.1000 a pattni. We all indulged in corruption at different levels. Stop being hypocrites and support your president even if you don't agree with him entirely,for every five years he is replacable. Tuwache siasa ya pumbavu na tujenge nchi yetu.
I agree.. i voted for Kibaki twice. I love his contempt for cheap politics and his focus on economy. I also feel betrayed when he doesnt act on ministers or civil servants that betray the trust of the people, and who betray his policies. Let him serve Kennyans and deal decisively with corruption, whether old or new
I agree.. i voted for Kibaki twice. I love his contempt for cheap politics and his focus on economy. I also feel betrayed when he doesnt act on ministers or civil servants that betray the trust of the people, and who betray his policies. Let him serve Kennyans and deal decisively with corruption, whether old or new
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