Kenyan Members of Parliament, are one of the highest paid in the world(take home annual pay of upto $156,000 US Dollars, with even more tax free perks, and a generous one term pension). Yet, i find it immoral, that our members of Parliament continue to enjoy these perks, while majority of their constituents are without jobs, have been uprooted from their homes, and their lives turned upside down. What was supposed to be a protest against a stolen presidential election, has degenerated into a free for all bloodletting, fanned and aided by rhetorical warmongering from both sides. I have often posited that peace doesnt translate into the abscence of war or violence. That, our uneasy calm could be concealing injustices and prejudices, both historical and tribal, which could, like a powder keg, be easily ignited. Remember Rwanda? 1,000,000 dead in 100 days!!!!
Remember the Battle of Solferino with 40,000+ dead or casualties of war in 9 hrs?
I have a message for both the opposition Orange Democratic Movement and the Government party....
Nobody should ever have it both ways.
These 'leaders' continue to enjoy their immoral perks from our taxes while encouraging the citizens of Kenya to continue going down the path of of intransigence, ethnic violence and darkness. This should never wash. I wish to quote a statement by Bishop T.D Jakes on the ongoing crisis in Kenya, that could best describe this moral hypocrisy of our leaders.
"What we need is what was exhibited by the two women who came to Solomon both saying that they were the mothers of a baby. Their dispute was ended because Solomon wisely knew that when he decided to split the baby no real mother would allow it. As he had suspected, one woman gave her rights up for the welfare of the baby. I am not suggesting that rights be lost but i am saying that people who really love Kenya must work together towards their future and regain control of one of Africa's greatest resources, the Kenyan people, for whom i have too much love to see them split by tribalism or politics gone awry!
Our 'leaders' forget theirs could be the case of the boiling frog syndrome. Mercifully, warlords often die by the bullet. For war is raw and takes on a deranged bloodthirsty path of its own. It does not even respect those who fan it. Like my next example....
Enter one.... Alfred Mutua(Kenya Government Spokesperson), variously described as a communication logjam — a cul de sac, Kenya's own Paul Joseph Goebbels or comparable more recently to Muhammed Saeed al-Sahaf, Iraqi's comical and absurd information minister under Sadam's regime.
This man has the toughest job in Kenya right now. To spin the unspinnable. He has tried to dress our naked emperor into golden robes woven in lies and fantasy concoted by his rich imagination.
Lets stop the lies and the hypocrisy. Kenya is slowly sliding into hopelessness and anarchy. This is sad, for a country that has traditionally comforted millions of victims of war and violence. Our leaders are doing a great disservice to our nation.
Its time to end the politics of brinkmanship.
My fellow citizens should not lose their future on fixing a mess their 'leaders' are unable or unwilling to fix.
End this nonsense. Peace and then Justice should be our collective goal as a nation
Its time we reclaimed Kenya!
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