Wednesday, January 30, 2008


HELL, has been visited on hundreds of poor defenseless Kenyans in the last month. Hooligans, hired militias and thugs from the major tribes(Kikuyu, Kalenjin and Luo) have been tearing, maiming and killing each other, and the fabric of the nation has been drenched and soaked in blood of innocent Kenyans:-Children, Women and Men.

What is so tragic is that this happens in the most stable of countries in Africa, a country that has traditionally comforted and received millions of victims of violence. The leader of Rwanda, which suffered a genocide in 1994, today gave advice to the so called cabal of power hungry scoundrels, masquerading as Kenyan 'leaders'.

"Intervention by the military may be the only way to halt Kenya's escalating ethnic bloodshed". Kagame further added "This is a case of emergency where certain things have to be done very quickly to stop the killings that are going on. There's no time to go into niceties and debates when the killings are taking place,".

Offcourse Kenyan leaders and our middle class wouldnot take his advice seriously. After all, in their myopic world view, 1000 dead in a country of 37 million is hardly a big thing.

Perhaps its time, my fellow Kenyans, that we start unmasking the deep inherent biases and resentment that may reside within the citizenry, and explore what sort of politics we should embrace. One of the sad things about multiparty democracy in Africa is the degree to which political parties play the 'ethnic' card and polarize the country into groups while riding on a false crest of 'ethnic' hate filled euphoria, misguided as populism. Its unconsciable for our politicians to reactivate and fight for instrument of statecraft by resurrecting centuries old 'ethnic prejudices'.


The poor lose again, at the game they are not part of. Maybe they need to stop paying attention to divisive politics. May be they need to watch this video of their so called 'leaders' smiling and sipping tea over their dead, maimed and displaced bodies.

May be, Kenya at crossroads will be lesson on how we should conduct our politics. May be peace doesn't mean absence of war and violence. What was supposed to be an outcry on the stolen election has degenerated into a psycopathic mob driven opportunistic war pitying three major ethnic groups, and is now threatening to simmer into other smaller tribes as well. The brutal suppression of peaceful protest by the Kenyan police, is denying people an outlet for their anger, and some are taking it out on any perceived supporters of the current illegitimate regime.

That is still no excuse!!!.

If Kibaki claims to be the President, and thus controls the instruments of power, PLEASE do all that is constituionally allowable, even if it means deploying the Army out of the barracks and let them take care of thugs killing and maiming Kenyans.

I Will keep hoping and praying that justice and peace prevails in my Motherland. I will also continue to post pictures and videos of outrage and sheer inhumanity directed at the most defenseless, by the most inhuman, horrible psychopaths. I will preserve the legacy of the faceless, nameless, victims of this Kenyan hell, and pray this will SHAME the comfortable Kenyan middle class to take action. NOW


Chew on that.


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