Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Mr. President,

I am happy you finally appointed your cabinet after 'lengthy consultations'. I applaud the time you took to undertake this task

As a Kenyan, i feel you negated the principles of democracy by not including the Orange Democratic Movement in your cabinet. You didnt even have any meeting with them(granted, in the euphoria of their win, they took a hard stance).

The reason i am telling you this , is because in all honesty, these leaders got the vote of 3.5 million Kenyans. They have the biggest stake in the process forward. Now you have galvanised them out of spite for individual entities in ODM

Like i said before, I DONT really care about politicians. Majority are in the RICH class and ARE opportunists who will harp at ethinicty whenever their selfish interests are threatened.

BUT, i care for peace and harmony of all Kenyans. I dont want POLITICS, to push everything to the backburner. I feel you have allowed for more drama, by mere fact that you didnt have dialogue with the victors in the referendum

I am talking to you, like an ordinary Kenyan, who is tired of the endless bickering, when we have 50% of the citizenry living off less than $1 a day. We have so much we can accomplish if all the politicians(You included) rose over petty selfishness and powerhungriness(I dont know whether the word is right, but it defines a greater number of our''leaders'')

I wish you would have just swallowed your pride and consulted with the true winners in the referendum.

Its not about Cabinet positions...............

It is the spirit of it.

and with that spirit, we avoid politics in our social sphere and direct our energies for the benefit of our children

For a full list of cabinet appointments go to: