What kind of government sends terrorists to shut down and destroy private property of a leading media group? this is exactly what the increasingly discredited KIBAKI regime did when it sent a bunch of hooligans and hired mercanaries to intimidate, terrorise and destroy private property of East African Standard and KTN
No better evidence is needed to show just how much contempt the Government extends to the Kenya public on matters of grave public interest than the police statement and a remark by Internal Security Minister, John Michuki, on the Wednesday night police raid on the editorial offices of the KTN television and Standard Group’s printing press. The Minister for Internal security shamelesy described the raid as warranted and justified in the name of preserving state security. His tasteless quote ''if you rattle a snake, be prepared to be biten" has proved once again what we have known for a while; that this is a government that has no legitimacy to lead, and one that uses force to supress dissent and opinion.
As aptly described by the 'Daily Nation' This was not a security operation, this was a feudal case of state terrorism.
Mr Michuki’s 1950s reasoning – when it was not unusual to shoot a fellow you didn’t like and call it a matter of national security – and the homilies he used to pretend that it was justifiable for the Government to be lawless was a watershed for Kenyan democracy and the Government of President Mwai Kibaki.
Clearly a man who is not in touch with the gravity of abuse of State power nor the consequences of the action of officers in his charge, Mr Michuki glibly said that if you prod a rattlesnake, expect to be bitten.
These colonial notions of the Government as an immoral, omnipotent instrument which is free to burn and plunder at will and of citizens as creatures existing at the pleasure of the State have no place in modern society.
There are few dictators, even in past years, who were capable of the actions carried out by the Kibaki administration . These actions, and the subsequent justifications, have shocked Kenyans and shamed this country in the eyes of the international community.
What next for these criminals in power? if the Police commissioner is not privy of ongoings in the security department, then what kind of hierarchy exists? what happened to due process? is the constitution suspended? where are these hired thugs striking next?
at this rate i can only wonder
watch this space