Saturday, April 08, 2006


The Kenya Airport Authority recently performed an emergency drill, that threw local and international media into panic and 'breaking news ' mode.

Kenya has witnessed its fair share of disasters, and our lack of disaster preparedeness is legendary.... Hopefully the drill is a positive step in the right direction

The losers are offcourse the Nairobi motorists who for the umpteenth time never gave way to emergency vehicles that were simulating a real 'crisis'

Some media groups have criticised the drill just because the media houses were not informed in advance and they had to recant their sensational breaking news stories.

i got news for them....

lets keep it real...applaud kenyans when they do something good...damn the foreign media....they will happily broadcast our shame when we cant rescue our people....

I am tired of Israeli dogs having to sniff Kenyans out of the shame of their own government dug death traps

Here is how CNN reported the drill